
After successfully going through the R&D phase, closing a few government, defense, & commercial contracts, Airgility was ready to start selling.


  1. The Airgility team had a great product with various applications but were unsure where the best market-fit would be.
  2. Together, we tested a few industries – Engineering, Construction, and Oil & Gas.
  3. We knew autonomous drones likely wouldn’t be a company’s 1st drone purchase, so we found companies that already have drone programs – as they’d be more likely to purchase next-gen tech to add to their fleet.
  4. The Leadlio assign rep, Leticia, research each account to understand how they were using drones and created custom messaging for each account.


  • In 4 months, we booked 36 meetings with the largest engineering, construction, and Oil & Gas companies in the US.
  • The conversion rate from intro call to demo was 75%+.
“We were impressed with Leadlio’s thoughtful approach to what we do and our target markets. They took the time to work through, with us, a game plan and put together a playbook. We then tweaked that playbook as we progressed forward, all the while improving our metrics. Leadlio truly became that inside sales Partner that every company needs.”
Pramod Raheja